About this site
Academics against armaments
Amnesty discredited
Animal welfare
Aphorisms: religion, ideology, honesty, power, justice,ethics, life, happiness, nature, the arts
Billings (Alan), U/S South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner (Ex-)
BILLINGSGATE: something fishy 
Bullfighting: against
Cambridge University: excellence, mediocrity, stupidity  
Christian religion: criticism
Church Army: Patron, the King 
Church Army 2: more problems
Church Army 3: even more problems
Church Documents
Church Donations: why not to give
Church Integrity
Church Survey: Challenge
Churches: New Creations
Churches: problems of abuse
Culture industry: reviewing, books, media disputes, cultural health
Death penalty: against
Dioceses: Sheffield, Oxford 
Dioceses: Durham, Ely, Carlisle
Drama: play with introduction
Drama: 2nd play  
Ethics: ethical theory and practice
Framework Science
Gardening: bed and board
Gardening: plant protection
Gardening: greenhouses etc
Gardening: composting etc,
Gardening: design
Green objections
Harvard University
Home Page Images
Ideology: fixity and fixation

Ireland: nationalist illusions
Israel: advocacy for
Kafka and Rilke
King Charles III as Patron
Literary criticism: glossary
Metaphor and theme
Nietzsche: the case against

Ordure-ordure: mistaken bloggers
Oxford University
PHD general page: innovations

Poems: subjects include nature, war, humour,  difficult relationships

Poetry: innovations, ideas
Poetry: composite forms
Poetry: word-design, concrete poems
Poetry: modulation
Poetry: line length
Poetry: meaning linkage
Poetry: metre / meter
Poetry: music linkages
Poetry: sound linkage
Police / Ethics Panels
Radical feminism
Royal Holloway
Security, safety, safeguarding, survival
Secondary education: capability, 
S. Heaney: introduction
S. Heaney: Cambridge Companion
S. Heaney: poem reviews,

S. Heaney: Human Chain
S. Heaney: ethical depth?
S. Heaney and bullfighting

Sheffield Dales  
Sheffield universities
Slipped Disc and Spain
Street Pastors Guide
Theme: Linkage and theme theory
Theme: Interpretations, some hints
{themes}: Glossary
{themes}: {adjustment}
{themes}: {completion}
{themes}: {direction}
{themes}: {distance}
{themes}: {modification}
{themes}: {ordering}
{themes}: {resolution}
{themes}: {restriction}
{themes}: {reversal }
{themes}: {separation
{themes}: {substitution
Translations from German, Dutch, Italian, Latin, Classical Greek, Modern Greek, French, with comment
Veganism: against 
Web design: page-travel 

Web design: comprehensive




Click on highlighted text to go to a page


A  United States Patent has been awarded to me for my   New growing system:   'dual layer structural units' for growing farm crops with wide-ranging environmental and other benefits. This is described and explained in detail, with technical information, in the  Official Patent Document pdf file. I've also two  wide-ranging inventions which are Patent Pending in the USA:
(1) New window-door system
provides multiple environmental and other benefits (eg security, fire safety) with multiple applications:  homes, offices, factories, very large as well as small buildings. It allows different materials (eg insulating, reflective, single or multiple) to be quickly and easily installed in windows and doors to substantially reduce the impact of eg very high or very low temperatures. 
(2) New roofing-walling system
also has multiple applications and  benefits,   in ease of construction,  water collecting and conservation, mitigation of flooding and drought, and other areas.

PHD [Paul Hurt Design and Construction]: more and less recent gardening, building, and general projects.


Church Army. King Charles III is the Patron of the Church Army.  My view is that he should reconsider his position and withdraw his support. I show that the Church Army is seriously flawed. See also  Church Army 2     Church Army 3


NEWEST. Church Survey: Challenge   Safeguarding issues in the C of E are linked with other issues, requiring, I argue, recognition of a central issue: the  failure of Christian dogma, of what Jesus taught. The page includes profiles of Christians. . Church Donations: reasons to withhold money from the Church and Church organizations.




The pages on Christianity include Church Donations:   reasons not to give, and the multiple failures of the Church of England; The Free Speech Union discredited: reasons not to join; . Church Integrity: failures;  Church Documents: faith and practice, claims and realities; New Creations: photographing, filming, documenting clergy and congregations; Church Army;   Appointment of Bishop at Durham, Ely, Carlisle: problems.  See also: Security, Safety, Safeguarding, Survival;  Church Shame.  South Yorks Counter-Evangelism' is well established, active far beyond South Yorkshire, but  despite that isn't a main interest of mine.

Controversies includes  Ideology: fixity and fixation;   Oxford and Cambridge Universities: excellence and stupidity; Israel: defending;  animal welfare: activism; The Culture Industry  Ireland and Northern Ireland; Amnesty International discredited;  bullfighting: arguments against, action against;   veganism: against;  the death penalty;   Green Objections; Sheffield universities;  Sheffield pro-Palestinian protest camp;   The Culture Industry.


Translations and versions includes texts in German, Dutch, Italian, Latin, classical / modern Greek and French, with my own translations and comment, and a  text in Polish. Kafka and Rilke  is a study in comparative literature and comparative reputations. Literary pages include Poems (my own);  Word-designs: PHD concrete poetry;   Innovations and new ideas: poetry and visual art.    Metaphor and Metre / Meter  are analytical, technical accounts.


Sheffield Dales  includes landscape and buildings, with supplementary material on Wentworth Woodhouse. Experiences as cellist, violinist, violist is also about cross-country skiing.







In the lists below, the linked pages are highlighted . Clicking on the link takes you to the page. Each page has a list of entries, with links to the entries. The entries are short, fairly short or very short. They are not intended to provide comprehensive information and explanation but to give enough information to explain the relevance of Linkage and theme theory to the subject. Many of the entries are not concerned with established subjects but offer new concepts, new techniques, new ways of looking at the world.  The entries vary widely in scope and technical difficulty.  Interpretations is the page which contains the most difficult material. My page Linkage and  theme theory provides an introduction to the subject.The theory has a very extensive range of applications, including practical applications. For example, I make use of it in my design and construction work very often - to a greater or lesser extent in most of my work.

Categories below (shortened titles):

1. Themes: applications
2. Themes: interpretations
3: Linkages: glossary
4. Literature: new ideas, techniques

{themes}: Some applications


Commercial pressures
Goya and violence


Mathematical proof
Truth tables
Digital electronics
Biological taxonomy
Aristotle's 'telos'


Generalized linkage connective
Material conditional
Teleological arguments
Vectors and directed lines
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, 3.144


ey system in music
Modulation in poetry
Unities of drama

Narrative {distance}
'Du' and 'Sie' in German
Edward Bullough's aesthetic {distance}
Wordsworth's boy at Windermere
Subjunctive and optative i
Thucydides iii, 22

Web design and {distance}
Law of negligence



The Journey
James Connolly and the Easter Rising
Transformation in Rembrandt and Rilke
Mind, body and the rest of the world
George Orwell: capital and corporal punishment
Activism and opposition
{modification} by {diversification}
The necessary, the impossible and the contingent
The ship of Theseus

Variables and pretensions
Corroboration and falsification
Typography and action
Modal properties


Ethical decision-making
Digital technology
Military medicine: triage
Priorities in politics

{ordering} and {grouping}
The mind and concentration


Limitation and limits
Disappointment and imperfection
Exemption: slavery

Quantum mechanics
Linkage schemata
Linkage isolation
Isolation and abstraction
Isolation and 'The Whole Truth'
Isolation and distortion
Poetry and prose
Kant and the limits to knowledge
Allowing and disallowing 


Thermodynamic reversal
Elastic deformation
Inversion and musical intervals 



Of people: Shakespeare
Of people: Auschwitz-Birkenau
Between past and present
Vegetables and fruit
Human characteristics and versatility
Thermodynamic separation
{separation} and application-sphere
{separation} and separability
Areas of competence 


Evaluating the thing itself
Mathematical and scientific {substitution}

2. {themes}: Some interpretations, making use of Linkage and theme theory

Commutative operators
Demarcation: science-metaphysics
Endothermic and exothermic reactions
Foundationalism and coherentism

Inverses of functions
Kantian categories
Mendelian factors
Meta- and para-studies
Newton's first law of motion
Newton's third law of motion
Particle in a box
Polish (prefix) notation

Selection: natural and artificial

SI units
Thermodynamic systems and partitions


3. Linkages: glossary


{adjustment} and alignment
Allowing and disallowing
Assuming a linkage
Atypical linkage
Close linkage and close contrast
Common interface
Context-sensitive term
Contrasts of contrast

Deleted linkage
Evaluative linguistics


Factors and factorization
Genus and species

Homoiolinkage and heterolinkage

Incommensurable linkage



Linkage diagrams
Linkage lines

Linkage schemata

Obverse linkages

Opposites linkage

Orwell's Search

Parnassian contrast

Philosophy and linkage

Primary and secondary elements

Prior linkages

Redeeming contrast


Reduction of contrast



Scaling: primary, secondary, tertiary

Separate worlds

Semi-precise linkage





4. Literature: new ideas and techniques in poetry  

Introduction: analysis and adventure

Axis poetry
Centred rhyme
Consonants and vowels
Contrast and repetition
Fragmentation and faulting
Inter-line poetry
'Linguistically innovative poetry'
Linkage by meaning


Pulse poetry

Rearrangement and restoration
Regions and zoning
Sectional analysis

Semantic force and significance

Strata poetry

Tensile art
Transept poetry
Unit poetry
The Set

Intra-linkages and intra-contrasts
Inter-linkages and inter-contrasts






    List of topics, with links to pages




        Below, some of the site's many images, showing  some of its range and
      variety - easily seen by scrolling down the page. Click on an image to
      go to a linked page, including Home Page Images  (for now, some images
      are without links.) Many pages,  including this, use 'Large Page Design.'

      They are wide  as well as long  and can't be viewed adequately on very
      small screens.
Clicking anywhere on 'the rail' (the long band at the left

      margin) from lower down on any page takes you  to the top of the page.




The British Library, the national library of the United Kingdom, has

selected all of this site for preservation, in the Arts and Humanities /

Literature archive and the Computer Science, Information Technology

and Web Technology archive.


All  pages  use an innovation of mine in Web navigation, 'the rail,' a

long, thin band on the left margin. Clicking on the rail  gives a means

of reaching top of page very quickly. There,  links  are provided for

rapid page travel, travel within the page  (to different regions of the

page) and / or travel to other pages. Rails have other uses. Further

information at  Page Travel.











Below, 1st photograph shows New Greenhouse Design. The core structure takes the form of a triangular prism (a shape with great structural strength.) Around the core structure are
extensions, here with curved panels. Three straight panels of the core structure are visible on this North-facing side. There are 3 panels on the South-facing side. The system has great

versatility. With all the panels in place, gutters and pipes at the base can divert water collected from the roof to water storage containers and ponds (dual-function, for water storage and to
benefit wildlife). Panels can be removed and put back very easily. When most or all of the panels are removed, crops inside the greenhouse can be watered with natural rainfall. The system
has many advantages for water conservation. It reduces reliance on mains water. It has many other benefits, e.g. for temperature control. Ventilation is very important, to reduce or
eliminate overheating when external temperatures are high and for other reasons. One or more panels can be removed and all the panels can be removed, to give maximum
ventilation. Plastic coverings don't enhance the appearance of a site, for most people. When polycarbonate sheets aren't needed, none need be visible. One of the panels on the South-
facing side has been removed permanently. A grape vine in the greenhouse grows inside the greenhouse, at roof level, and outside, higher up, above the roof.  The extensions shown
below, on the West side,  include a 'solar composter,' which speeds up the production of compost by the greenhouse effect, a wildlife / water storage pond and other growing areas.
There's a much larger wildlife / water storage pond outside the greenhouse and other water-collecting surfaces and water storage facilities.   An extension on the East side includes a
storage area for e.g. tools and supplies and a working area for e.g. propagation. A straw bale wall has been a feature of this extension (shown above, also with a straw bale storage area.)
The greenhouse has been featured in an article I wrote for the magazine of the  National Allotment Society.


My New Growing System for farms has the advantages of the New Greenhouse Design as well as many other features.  From the official U.S. patent document: ' ... the present invention

is a trellising system with modifiable components and configurations for growing, protected cropping, protected working, materials handling, water collecting and water conservation for

use in vineyards and orchards and as a polytunnel substitute.'  The New System has aesthetic advantages. The plastic sheeting which forms part of the system is needed to secure
environmental advantages but is unnecessary when external temperatures are high and no water can be collected. Unlike the plastic of polytunnels, the plastic used in this system can
be retracted. The plastic need not be visible when not needed. The plant growth on the unobtrusive supports will be seen all the more clearly.





In the case of many images below, clicking on the image takes you not to a listed page but to Home Page Images. This provides description / explanation and usually a larger version of the image.















































































































PHD, Paul Hurt Design offers genuine innovation, practicality and a concern for aesthetics and the environment in the design and construction of 

Agricultural growing systems, as in the invention which has now been awarded a Patent in the United States.
Further information: 

vineyard-orchard-polytunnel-growing-system  and US Official Patent  Document 


 New Window-Door System   is Patent Pending in the United States. This is a radical system with a very wide range of applications, from small-scale domestic applications to industrial and large-scale architectural applications. It offers unparalleled opportunities to install, very quickly, different surfaces in window spaces which optimize insulation in cold weather, optimize air flow in hot weather, to reduce or eliminate reliance upon air-conditioning installations and allow the insertion of surfaces to achieve wide-ranging benefits, including benefits in security, in fire control, and benefits in storage and provision of working facilities inside homes, offices, workshops and factories.

 New roofing-walling-system
  also has Patent Pending status in the United States and has the potential to achieve massive benefits in mitigation of flooding, water collection and storage on a large scale to address the problem of drought and to reduce reliance upon mains water, and a range of other benefits, including fire safety.

Other innovations - there's information about most of these on the page PHD New - but it includes less recent work as well):

A variety of water-collecting surfaces, directing water to
storage containers, a pond or directly to plants.

Greenhouses -  greenhouses with presence, flexible, adaptable, with large, removable panels to lower the internal temperature during heat waves and to allow natural precipitation  to water the crops in the greenhouse, reducing reliance on mains water, with water-collecting surfaces to conserve water.
Implementing green roofs, eg, the roof of an extension to the PHD Greenhouse, using grape vines / hop plants, with no need for bulky, heavy soil or compost.

New bed-and-board systems in gardens / allotments, with many advantages, including huge flexibility: boards can be quickly removed and replaced, beds can  be modified very easily, become larger or smaller, growing areas can be divided into beds or not. When large, open areas are chosen, water-collecting surfaces can easily be installed, if the areas are on a slope.
A  lightweight metal system allowing quick construction of various garden / small farm structures for plant protection and support.

A solar composter, speeding up production of compost by the greenhouse effect.
A solar wood store, speeding up the drying of wood for efficient burning in wood stoves.

Wildlife aids - a bird table, swift nesting boxes of various designs, all  very different from existing designs. The swift boxes are easily constructed,  easily installed at a height without a ladder, from inside the property -  taking hardly any time.
Hydraulic machinery for log splitting / apple pressing, elegant, useful furniture when not in use.
Other domestic furniture- a table, a bookcase, storage systems -  distinctive designs, not copies.

A radical new roofing system, allowing inclined roofs (including water collecting roofs) to be constructed as easily as flat roofs, within (not above) a new walling system.
Workbenches for woodworking / metalworking, easy to construct, easy to dismantle, easy to move from place to place, but solid and immovable in use, with ample storage space and versatile working surfaces.
A vice for woodworking, with pressure exerted by a ratchet strap, not a screw thread.
Van to Campervan conversions which can be implemented easily and are  cost-effective, practical and harmonious.

Van to Display Unit conversions, using telescopic and other components, in particular display boards.  The boards can display material of many different kinds, e.g. campaigning images and text, advertizing material. The displays are static, for use when the van is parked, not moving.
Simple aids  to moving heavy loads up  slopes and  on level ground, in gardens / allotments.
Simple aids to safety in sheet metal work.


 Page-travel: new techniques in Website navigation  introduces innovations in navigation within the page and between pages, in particular the vertical rail on the left side of all the pages of the site. This, like horizontal rails,  can have many uses, in particular, for navigation within the page. The presence of a vertical rail helps to unify the page, to remove the feeling that the user is going into remote parts, in the case of very long pages. Website navigation has linkages with travelling in an area or travelling to more distant places.

None of my activities in connection with this site, with my design and construction work or my work in growing have ever earned me any money. My work has been carried out for personal reasons but with the hope of giving wider benefits. I've no idea if my work will ever earn me anything. I prefer to focus my attention on other things. There are many, many demands on my time.

Linkages and {themes} as well as contrasts underlie to a greater or lesser extent most of this site. I stress methods, techniques, ideas, concepts, values that are common to very different fields of activity, often ones which unify, and not only in design / construction but far more widely - the project TTL, 'Theme, Theory, Practice.'


A project which is a substantial part of my work, in the field of comparative literature:  'literature, broadly defined, and other spheres of human activity, including history, politics, philosophy, art and science' and in multiple languages. Work in the field of poetic technique and innovation in poetics is a separate, linked project. 


One interest of mine, music, has no coverage in any detail.  I do include brief information about some writing of mine on an aspect of violin technique. It was included in a violin concerto which received its world premiere at a Proms concert at the Royal Albert Hall. The concerto includes text as well as the music, obviously the main component of the work. I had studied with the Hungarian violinist Rudolf Botta, commemorated by the concerto. Before switching to the violin and viola, I was a cellist, and played the cello in an orchestra which included professional players, the members of 'The Lindsays' (The Lindsay String Quartet.)


The page About this site  gives introductory information on a wide variety of topics, including use of images, and this: 'Emails sent to me are treated as confidential. Emails sent to me won't be released into the public domain, including publication on this site, unless with the sender's permission.' With only the most limited exceptions: automatic, machine-generated emails and any emails threatening action which is clearly extreme and illegal. The page includes information about my phone number, if you'd like to contact me in this way


Email address: paulhurt100@gmail.com


Mikhail Bakhtin writes of 'Dostoevsky's passion for journalism and his love of the newspaper, his deep and subtle understanding of the newspaper page as a living reflection of the contradictions of contemporary society in the cross-section of a single day, where the most diverse and contradictory material is laid out, extensively, side by side...' ('Problems of Dostoevsky's Poetics,' translated, Caryl Emerson.)


My approach is in part systematic and rigorous, sometimes at a high level of abstraction, but I see no contradiction between system and rigour on the one hand and on the other, passion, compassion, activism, humour, an intense concern for the health of language and the vitality of culture, a whole range of other concerns. A systematic study can reveal gaps very clearly. The meticulous work of cartographers helped to show explorers which regions were still unexplored, to suggest new areas for risk and discovery. Activism and activists -  deluded and  deranged activists as well as ones I respect and admire - politics and politicians, have a part to play in the pages of the site, but also journalists, poets, musicians, scientists, engineers, labourers, scholars, miners, and many more, including animals.                  


The 'diverse material' in this site covers a very wide range, some of it of journalistic, some of it academic, some of it personal, some of it practical - working with wood, metal, other materials, designing and constructing buildings, other structures and sometimes machines, the growing of a wide range of plants - and the design of pages, graphic design. Some of it is concerned with aesthetics, some of it  with ethics - with humane values and harshness, unavoidable harshness as well as harshness which can be reduced by reform or technical advances, harshness in peace and in war,  industry and nature.


Ethics is a page with technical and non-technical sections.  It introduces  symbolic notation for 'outweighing,' a fundamental concept  in ethics, for me, but with much wider applicability.


Pages concerned with value judgments include appreciation as well as criticism.  There's criticism of anti-feminists as well as radical feminists, criticism of people who oppose 'woke'  views as well as criticism of woke views, extensive criticism of  Christian beliefs  without assuming that non-Christians and anti-Christians have a monopoly of good sense, without assuming that they are incapable of stupidity (and worse, much worse), arguments and evidence in favour of 'conservative' views, but with significant reservations.


The pages  on universities contain criticism of some aspects of some universities (Cambridge, Oxford, Harvard, the Sheffield universities and others) and many people at those universities. In other pages, I attempt to convey some of the astonishing achievement of universities, in science, technology and other fields. Very often, perhaps more often than not, the achievements outweigh the failures but obviously, the balance of success / failure is very variable. This is after all a massive subject, impossible to cover, to begin to cover, in the space available.


My poetry - very varied - appears on the page Poems. Some of the poems have been published in literary magazines. Word-image design contains my 'concrete poems.'


The study of linkages is one of the broadest of all studies. Linkages / contrasts, are fundamental organizing principles of the site. I discuss linkages in many different fields and create new ones - there are many innovations here. Many linkages are  problematic and disputed. Astrologers find a linkage between human personality and celestial objects whilst skeptics find no convincing evidence. Scientific advances involve new linkages: Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation proposed a linkage between all the bodies in the Universe, Darwin's Theory of Evolution  proposed new linkages between organisms.


Most of the material is non-technical. The page introducingLinkage and {theme} theory (which includes linkage and contrast) is one exception. (Another is my page on Metaphor.) I explain some conceptual innovations and go beyond natural language, developing a symbolic notation with many uses and substantial advantages. Pages which make use of  this notation include  Interpretations: some helpful hints.  Most of these are concerned with topics in physics, chemistry, mathematics, philosophy and logic.


A Lists-Section follows the images sections below. It provides information about the content of  some pages on Linkages and themes, including applications - a sample of the many, many possible practical and other applications.